About the Program

Is your program interested in exploring implementation strategies relating to Flight curriculum concepts as part of daily educator practice?

As a program, are you curious about where to start and how to align Flight with current educator practice and interactions with children? As a provincial support agency, ARCQE has been awarded a contract to guide curriculum implementation support for all licensed program types (Child Care, Family Child Care, Out of School Care, program and Preschool programs) with a variety of options to support engagement with curriculum concepts.

ARCQE is pleased to share news of expanding opportunities for support with implementation of Flight framework principles in practice. To learn more about pedagogical partner support and the new professional learning series available titled “Possibilities for Practice”, be sure to read the following information handout.

Read this content in French.

Pedagogical Partner Support

Pedagogical Partners are consultants contracted by ARCQE to work with individual programs guiding course taker studies and supporting onsite and virtual visits to facilitate implementation of Flight Framework concepts in daily practice.

Practice-Based Learning Communities

Educators and ELCC programs can join an online professional learning community to connect, share ideas, and learn from one another as we engage in dialogue and conversations about framework explorations in practice.

Possibilities for Practice

This six-part professional learning series is particularly relevant for anyone seeking an introduction to the guiding principles of practice intended to inform curriculum implementation. It includes topics like "Responsive Environments" and "Practice of Relationships."

Supporting Curriculum Practice

This learner-directed, eight-module series is visually engaging and includes a variety of interactivities to support learning, thinking, and the development of reflective practice. Virtual conversations are hosted weekly throughout the series to allow learners to connect with knowledgeable facilitators and other educators from across our province.

Leading Through a Pedagogical Lens

LTPL empowers program leaders to create a personalized Professional Learning Plan! This professional learning series provides an in-depth study of pedagogical leadership for program leaders in child care settings, family child care, preschool, and school-age care.


In terms of a support model- ARCQE employs a triad design which includes Pedagogical leadership, Partner support, and Educator engagement!  This model takes inspiration from pilot-test work from Mount Royal University as well as research on mentoring based out of New Zealand Council of Educational Research.

Supporting Capacity

Currently ARCQE has approximately 40 Pedagogical Partners supporting ELCC sites across the province in the following all child care regions.

  1. Northwest Region
  2. Northeast Region
  3. North Central Region
  4. Edmonton Region
  5. Central Region
  6. Calgary Region
  7. South Region
Strengthening Facilitation Skills

Strong facilitation skills, and experience in supporting reflective practice dialogue and strategies with educators.

Enriching Practice

Enriched practice experience relative to educator-child engagement and co-constructed learning, and responsive environments.

Deepening Understanding

In-depth understanding of practice relating to coaching and supporting authentic practice relating to cultural diversity.


For further information about PP support and qualifying criteria, please direct questions to our Regional Directors:

Alison Rinas, Regional Director – North (north of Red Deer), alisonr@arcqe.ca

Rebecca Leong, Regional Director – South (Red Deer and south), rebeccal@arcqe.ca