
Welcome to the Practice-Based Learning Communities (PLCs), formerly the Regional Learning Communities. This year, participants are invited to join one PLC virtually based on a ‘big idea’ topic related to an area of interest and learning that educators wish to pursue as they explore Flight in practice. The purpose of these learning communities is to connect, share ideas and learn from one another as we engage in dialogue and conversations about the framework explorations in practice.

Participants will join one PLC and commit to participating with that community for the entire six sessions, including large and small group conversations guided by experienced facilitators.


PLC 1 – Image of the Child

Join us and explore how the Image of the Child influences your relationships with families and community, your interactions with children, your teaching strategies, and the learning environments you create.

PLC 2 – Responsive Environments

Join us as we visualize, reflect on and consider how Flight’s elements of a Responsive Environment are intertwined to create spaces where everyone feels valued and respected as members of a playful learning community.

PLC 3 – Exploring Planning

We invite you to think deeply about emergent curriculum and planning in our learning community. Planning in the context of an emergent curriculum such as Flight provides the opportunity to re-conceptualize how we, as educators, approach this process.

PLC 4 – Exploring Pedagogical Documentation

Join our learning community as we explore Susan Stacey’s book, titled Pedagogical Documentation in Early Childhood Education*. and draw from her practice and insights to discover ways to bring documentation to life in our programs. 

PLC 5 – Thinking about Values and Vision

In this learning community, we will explore ways to create, lead and reflect upon the development of these important statements.  As you share your program vision and values and learn with others and begin to consolidate a new understanding of ideas, both personally and professionally.

PLC 6 – Role of the ELCC Educator

This Practice-Based Learning Community (PLC) will think deeply about the role of the Educator. Flight has asked educators to consider their role in a very different way.  Educators are challenged to become co-learner, co-researcher, and co-imaginer of possibilities.

The Practice-Based Learning Communities are now closed for registration, as the groups are at capacity. Stay tuned for future groups and topics to open in the Fall of 2024.