
Welcome to the Practice-Based Learning Communities (PLCs), formerly the Regional Learning Communities. We are excited to invite participants to connect, share ideas, and learn from one another as they engage in dialogue and conversations about a ‘big idea’ topic related to their Flight journey.

Participants may join one PLC and commit to participating with that learning community for the entire seven sessions guided by experienced facilitators

Registration Process

Registration is now open for this year’s Practice-Based Learning Communities! Ask your Pedagogical Partner how to register.


PLC 1 – Explore Planning
From Themes to Emergent Curriculum

Are you ready to move from thematic planning to an emergent process? This PLC is for you! We will use Flight’s Model of Co-Inquiry for Co-Constructing Curriculum as a basis for planning. During our discussions, we will reflect on what some of the prominent leaders in our field have to say about planning, and most importantly, you will have the opportunity to see and share examples of what emergent curriculum might look like in practice.

PLC 2 – Risky and Dizzy Play
In Early Childhood Education Programs

Are you interested in speaking with other educators across Alberta about what risky/dizzy play looks like in practice? This PLC will use the concepts of Flight to frame our thinking and conversation about risky/dizzy play. Consideration will be given to what is considered risky/dizzy play, and what the research says about risky/dizzy play. Participants will be invited to share their practices and examples of responsive environments for risky/dizzy play.

PLC 3 – Trusting Relationships and Challenging Conversations

Have you ever wondered how engaging in difficult conversations might lead early childhood professionals to develop a productive dialogue with colleagues, administrators, families, owners, or board members? How do the role of the educator, reciprocal relationships, and reflective practice support trusting relationships? We will incorporate the values, guiding principles, and core concepts of Flight to frame our learning about navigating challenging conversations.

PLC 4 – Digging Deeper into Responsive Environments
Empowering Educators to Create Dynamic Learning Spaces

Join us this fall for an enriching journey into the heart of Responsive Environments! In our PLC we will explore how Flight’s elements of a Responsive Environment can transform your ELCC spaces into dynamic, inclusive havens where both children and educators thrive. Together, we will dive deep into authentic connections with nature, creating places of belonging, and the powerful role of educators as active participants. Through engaging experiences and collaborative discussions, you will gain practical strategies to design environments that foster curiosity, participation, and a strong sense of community.

PLC 5 – Father Sky and Mother Earth
Embracing Diversity and Social Responsibility

This PLC will allow participants to think deeply about diversity and social responsibility. As participants explore this Holistic Play-based Goal they will explore possibilities for intentionally weaving Indigenous ways of knowing in early childhood spaces. The sessions will explore ways of supporting children to make meaning of cultural differences and caring for the natural world.

PLC 6 – Critical Friends and Change Makers
Creating a Culture of Learning

Embrace your role as a critical friend and change-maker! This PLC will explore what it means to be a critical friend and how you can create meaningful change in your early learning program. Have you ever considered the role of a learning culture in creating a place of vitality? Using Flight concepts, with a focus on the Role of the Educator, you will reflect, share thoughts, and plan how you can create opportunities to grow your practice alongside other Early Childhood Educators.

PLC 7 – Francophone Educators and Administrators

Do you feel more comfortable engaging in conversation and reflection in French? This PLC will allow French-speaking educators and administrators to reflect on their Flight practices in their first language with a group of peers.