Programming and Curriculum Support Services
Guide your implementation of the Flight Program: Alberta’s Early Learning and Care Framework.
Flight: Alberta’s Early Learning and Care Framework
Is your program interested in exploring implementation strategies relating to Flight curriculum concepts as part of daily educator practice?
Learn how you can foster children’s play as an active, exploratory, and creative process. Play is deeply rooted in children’s everyday experiences, allowing them to engage, learn, and make sense of the world around them.
Flight is a curriculum framework intended to guide the significant work of early learning and child care educators with young children (ages 0 – before 6 years) and their families in centre-based childcare and family day home settings. ARCQE will provide assistance and support for care providers following the Flight framework, a flexible model for thinking about how children learn and experience their worlds, as well as a guide that fosters strong early childhood communities.
Envol : Cadre pédagogique pour l’apprentissage et la garde des jeunes enfants en Alberta
Votre programme est-il intéressé à explorer des stratégies de mise en œuvre liées aux concepts du curriculum Vol dans les pratiques quotidiennes des éducateurs ?
Apprenez comment favoriser le jeu des enfants en tant que processus actif, exploratoire et créatif. Le jeu est profondément enraciné dans les expériences quotidiennes des enfants, leur permettant de s’engager, d’apprendre et de comprendre le monde qui les entoure.
Vol est un cadre pédagogique conçu pour guider le travail important des éducateurs en apprentissage et garde des jeunes enfants auprès des tout-petits (de 0 à 6 ans) et de leurs familles, dans des garderies en centre et des milieux familiaux. L’ARCQE fournira assistance et soutien aux prestataires de soins suivant le cadre Vol, un modèle flexible pour réfléchir à la manière dont les enfants apprennent et vivent leurs expériences, ainsi qu’un guide pour renforcer les communautés de la petite enfance.
Programming & Curriculum Support Services
Explore the projects and supports to guide your implementation of the Flight Program: Alberta’s Early Learning and Care Framework.
- Programming & Curriculum
Pedagogical Partner Support Program
Pedagogical Partners support programs to strengthen Flight practices together.
- Sponsored Support
- Programming & Curriculum
Practice-Based Learning Communities
Continue the Flight conversation with peers throughout the province.
- Sponsored Support
- Programming & Curriculum
Supporting Curriculum Practice
Deepen your exploration and understanding of the Flight framework.
- Sponsored Support
- Programming & Curriculum
Possibilities for Practice
Discover new possibilities by introducing Flight into your practice.
- Sponsored Support
- Programming & Curriculum
Leading Through a Pedagogical Lens
Explore your pedagogical leadership through the lens of the Flight framework
- Sponsored Support