The REACH Program
Ages and Stages Questionnaire Resources for Family Resource Networks and Home Visitation Services to Strengthen Family Support in Child Development.
- Child Development
Ages and Stages Questionnaire Resources for Family Resource Networks and Home Visitation Services to Strengthen Family Support in Child Development.
ARCQE is pleased to be able to support the Family Resource Networks and Home Visitation Agencies with use of the ASQ Database.
REACH effectively supports Family Resource Networks and Home Visitation Agencies using the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) Online Database. Through REACH, programs receive training and refresher sessions on using the ASQ, bringing staff up to date with best practices.
REACH also offers guidance to help programs navigate the ASQ Online Database, making tracking and supporting children’s development easier. REACH participants are invited to join communities of practice and information-sharing sessions, where agencies connect, share insights and collaborate on ASQ use.
REACH programs and agencies are invited to the year-end Showcase of Learning event to share experiences and connect as a community.
If you’re a Family Resource Network or a Home Visitation Agency and are interested in receiving coaching support and use of the ASQ online database for supporting child development, please email our Project Coordinator.
Priority will be given to programs based off the following criteria:
CDS involvement includes the following:
"*" indicates required fields