10 Things you may not know but be interested in learning about ARCQE’s Board Members…

Katherine Kaiser, Director at Large

• I began my role as a Board member for ARCQE….?
I began my role as a board member for ARCQE in the fall of 2020.

• What inspired my career in Early Learning?
I have always had a passion for working with children and after obtaining my education degree I didn’t see myself in the early years and in this role – but wouldn’t change a thing! This path is inspired for my belief in how important early education is and my passion for Reggio inspired and inquiry based learning.

• Most influential career learning I have had to date
To be brave and lead, you will fail. But from these challenges comes opportunities – to grow, learn, change, adapt, evolve and continually improve.

• I was interested to serve as a volunteer Board member for ARCQE because….?
I feel honoured to be able to serve as a board member for ARCQE. I am excited to be able to positively impact others and help inspire and make positive changes in the early years.

• How has my role as a Board member for ARCQE benefited me personally…?
Being a board member has pushed me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to grow my leadership skills.

• Favourite leadership quote is….?
“Daring leaders must care for and be connected to the people they lead” Brene Brown

• One thing you may not know, but would be interested to learn about me is….?
I grew up as a competitive Irish Dancer and am now a certificated Irish Dance Teacher. I can be found teaching dance and attending my dancers competitions throughout Alberta and around the world.

• In my spare time I like to….
I have a 4 year old daughter and my family and I love to ski, hike and explore the mountains.

• Proudest moment….?
Being able to see the growth of Wee Wild Ones, and being part of something that started as an initial idea and pilot project – that has led me to become a leader in the early years, and to positively impact the lives of children, families and educators in Calgary, as we all work to help educate the future leaders and innovators of tomorrow.

• Someone who has been a memorable mentor to me is…?
My dad was an adventurer and teacher, with a passion and love for the outdoors. He has inspired me throughout my life, and although I lost him when I was 14 years old, I wouldn’t be the person I am today without his guidance, mentorship and without the opportunity to overcome and grow from the grief and loss of losing a parent at a young age. It has helped me to lead with compassion and empathy and remember that everything in life happens for a reason.